Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

During the recent snow, I took a little walk and enjoyed watching the people (both grown-ups and kids) playing in the soft fluffy whiteness.

The snow makes everything look so fresh.

It made me think of the Keats poem, Bright Star. "...gazing on the new soft-fallen mask."

One of my favorite sights were these cup shaped leaves with snow in them. They looked like little teaspoons full of sugar crystals!

So of course, I immediately began designing in my head

...and this afternoon I finally brought it to fruition.

Yay! I got to use my dapping block! it's a bit literal...

But it's a bit hard to beat Mother Nature's eye for aesthetics. ;)


  1. i'm impressed, that is a beautiful piece of art. I love the inspiration behind it.

  2. This is BEAUTIFUL! Can I get one in silver? :D
